Read Our Founding Documents

The Declaration of Independence, Constitution, and other primary documents

Understanding America’s founding documents, the First Principles which form their foundation, and their generating history is indispensable to preserving our freedom. 

Build upon your knowledge of America’s First Principles and history by regularly reviewing and familiarizing yourself with the following founding documents of America:

Declaration of Independence. 

United States Constitution.

Bill of Rights.

Reconstruction Amendments.

Gettysburg Address.

Seneca Falls Declaration of Sentiments and Resolutions.

Links to other sites providing the text of our founding documents include:

The Library of Congress, Primary Documents in American History. Includes the Declaration of Independence, United States Constitution, Bill of Rights, The Federalist Papers, documents from the Continental Congress and Constitutional Convention, and other such documents.

Founding Documents. Includes the Declaration of Independence, United States Constitution, Bill of Rights, Debates at the Constitutional Convention, The Federalist Papers, Anti-Federalist Papers, Supreme Court decisions, and many other primary and secondary resources.

Founding Fathers. Includes The Federalist Papers and quotes of the Founding Fathers.




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"America's Survival Guide is a bold and insightful work that should be taken seriously by those concerned with the future of America. We ignore it at our peril."
Congressman Joe Knollenberg

 “America’s Survival Guide by Michael Warren describes with detail and passion the dangers that come from abandoning the ‘First Principles’ upon which this nation was founded. But this important book offers more than a diagnosis and despair, it presents a reasoned program for restoring the U.S. Constitution its proper place at the center of American society and government. America’s Survival Guide draws on history, politics and education to make a powerful case for freedom and fighting for it.” John Engler, former Governor of Michigan and current President and CEO of the National Association of Manufacturers

"America's Survival Guide describes with detail and passion the dangers that come from abandoning the "First Principles" upon which this nation was founded. But this important book offers more than a diagnosis and despair, it presents a reasoned program for restoring the U.S. Constitution its proper place at the center of American society and government. The book draws on history, politics and education to make a powerful case for freedom and fighting for it."

--John Engler, former Governor of Michigan

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