What Would the Founding Fathers Do?

Solving today’s problems with their wisdom

America was blessed at the time of the Revolution and the adoption of the Constitution to be led by political giants.  Thomas Jefferson referred to the Founding Fathers who met at the Constitutional Convention as “an assembly of demi-gods.”

While not other worldly, the Founding Fathers were astonishingly accomplished and talented.  They included governors, generals, judges, congressmen, businessmen, financiers, plantation owners, physicians, and attorneys.  

Leading Founding Fathers included George Washington, John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, Alexander Hamilton, John Jay, Thomas Paine, Patrick Henry, Benjamin Franklin, John Dickinson, James Wilson, Joseph Warren, and Benjamin Rush.

The Founding Fathers embodied and improved upon the learning of the ages.  As James Madison observed, they “accomplished a revolution which has no parallel in the annals of human society. They reared the fabrics of governments which have no model on the face of the globe.”

Contrary to the beliefs of many, the wisdom of the Founding Fathers remains relevant and can be used to address the most vexing issues facing our nation.  The very first questions that should be raised about policy proposals and actions are whether they foster or violate the First Principles and our Constitution.

For example, healthcare reform proposals range from nationalizing healthcare to completely eliminating government intervention. Using the principles of the Founding Fathers, we should ask which proposal best preserves the Social Compact, unalienable rights, equality, federalism and enumerated powers.

Regarding homeland security and foreign affairs, one could question how our policies square with limited government, the rule of law, and the protection of unalienable rights.

Tax policies could undergo scrutiny under due process, limited government, federalism, enumerated powers, and equality principles.

Judicial appointments could be evaluated in light of the proper role of judicial review.

For more, order a copy of America’s Survival Guide.





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"America's Survival Guide describes with detail and passion the dangers that come from abandoning the "First Principles" upon which this nation was founded. But this important book offers more than a diagnosis and despair, it presents a reasoned program for restoring the U.S. Constitution its proper place at the center of American society and government. The book draws on history, politics and education to make a powerful case for freedom and fighting for it."

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